Posts Tagged ‘Daughter’

New beginnings.

So my beautiful daughter is now 8 weeks old, and for her sake and mine I’m following the Weightwatchers ProPoints plan.  I was overweight when I got pregnant, at 13 st 3 lbs and a size 16, and while pregnant I reached 15st 2lbs.  Thankfully I remained a size 16 while pregnant as the weight was almost entirely bump, and most of that came off pretty much immediately after giving birth, but at 13st 10lbs I went to Weightwatchers two weeks ago.  Ideally I’d like to get back down to the weight I was when I got married 3 years ago, which was 10st – a weight which made me a size 10 and alright looking in a bikini!  It’s not all about the bikini shots though.  DD is so perfect, she has no ‘issues’ with her weight – of course! – and I don’t want her to grow up in a house with a fat Mummy who’s always stressing about food, and where she’ll pick up my neuroses.  I want to be fit and healthy by the time she’s a year old, which gives me until 19th September 2012 to get to my goal weight.  Ideally of course I should have done this before I got pregnant, but that’s retrospect for you.  I guess I let work and stress get the better of me, even though we were trying to conceive for almost a year.

But anyway, the past is the past and I’m starting anew.  Here’s how it’s gone so far:

1/11/11 – 13st 10lbs
8/11/11 – 13st 6.5lbs
15/11/11 – 13st 1.5lbs

I was quite astonished last week to have lost 5lbs.  I guess it shows the plan really works.  It was lovely to realise that I’m just below my pre-pregnancy weight, and also to get my first ‘silver 7’.  It’s amazing how much a silly little sticker can mean!

Tonight DH and I had a great supper from the Meals for Two cookbook, with a few little tweaks.  I made steak sandwiches with a creamy mushroom sauce (low fat creme fraiche and balsamic vinegar) and used Burgen Soya and Linseed bread instead of baguette to make it only 9 points per serving.

DD is currently asleep on DH (we’re working on getting her to sleep in her moses basket – she’ll do it overnight but rarely at other times unfortunately!) and How I Met Your Mother has just finished.  It’s a good evening, and it needs a cup of tea to go with it…I’m going to go and boil the kettle, and have a think about what to cook tomorrow.  Fingers crossed this blog will keep me on track over the next year or so.

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